
Who we are
In response to the concern generated by our own customers to have a space to focus in one place all our services, we created Escuela Esotérica Isis.
A place focused on the search for all those answers that are not found in the physical plane, where we can guide, help and deliver different self-help tools associated with spiritual evolution, to find balance, self-discovery, develop gifts, through the development and practice of a technique based on ancient Egypt.
Our Concept
We must remember ..... as above so below.
Just as there are in the physical plane and other dimensions universal laws that we must follow... There is a Divine Justice that sees everything, it is in charge of observing our balance and the actions that we must redeem to reach our perfection.
Karma is a law of compensation and not of revenge...
Based on free will, all our actions are our own responsibility. But there is a universal balance that we must respect.
The cosmic forces act based on the action of man on a higher plane or astral plane. The alchemical power seeks its effects by acting on this astral plane, which, through the law of correspondences, acts as an intermediary to achieve the proposed material or spiritual end.
In our school we are dedicated to spiritual evolution and to transcend psychically and energetically, to achieve the manifestation on the physical plane of what we want or desire in our lives, for this each student will learn various techniques, therapies and workshops.
These techniques allow us to enter in tune with the energy of the universe directly from our own vital energy, achieving the activation of the Universal Energy, with our own inner power, gradually developing the indispensable faculties for a conscious existence and thus being able to realize and protect each of our objectives.